Friday, March 1, 2013


      It turns out several teachers had this fluey virus that hit me.  Some were pukey-er than others! I had a lovely bath in the sunny afternoon, then Sonam came to check on me and we went to her house to use the internet and have the mandatory cup of tea.  Another teacher, Jemyang took me to her house for more tea. I was saved from drowning in caffeine by a call she had to whip to Tsimasham (next village) to go to the bank. So I took a rain check.  My English department head called to check on me too.  I wandered to the market to buy some veggies and met at least 4 teachers who were all concerned.  I am getting used to everyone knowing about me and my life and kind of like it.  There is very little silence, kids and dogs everywhere.  Yesterday while I was sleeping in the day there was a constant, rhythmic sound in the apartment below me.  I figured it might be weaving and Sonam confirmed it. 
The beautiful blue sky filled with fog this afternoon.  Spring and summer bring rain, fog and leeches.  I am enjoying the clear blue skies and dry air while I can.  So are the other teachers, when they have a free period, they are not at their desks they are sitting out in the sun. 

    Next morning:  I just ruined my FAVOURITE t-shirt that I wear under my Kira.  I turned on the heater in my room without looking, I had placed the t-shirt on top of it earlier this morning.  Now it stinks in my room and I feel so absent-minded.  Lesson in impermanence:)

Here are photos of my home class. I had a good teaching day today and REALLY hope to connect my 3 classes of 40 students with classes at LVR. 

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are on the mend. I wish I had a class that would remotely work for connections but science 10 is not likely to help you out. I guess teaching 30 wont be so bad after this. The photos are stunning!
