Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekend in Tshimalakha

   Dave (Canadian teacher from Pakshika) came to visit me on Saturday afternoon.  I cleaned up the joint a bit and walked down to meet him by the highway.  I immediately realized that we were going to take "some time" to walk through town when I saw him in the distance surrounded by schoolboys.  Two chillups (foreigners) in town.  I introduced him to all of the shopkeepers that I know in the market, which took a while.  Then the movie let out so all of the students wanted to meet him.  We retired to my place and the phone rang more than ever before :)  
     Cooked a thai curry and CHOCOLATE CAKE.  It turned out really well in the rice cooker.  I just wish I could figure out how not to burn the outside of the cake.  It sticks to the small aluminum pot and makes quite a mess. It was wonderful chatting in Canadian English with another teacher.  Even though I barely have a voice and probably should have been resting it.
This morning we walked almost 2 hours to the dzong and back through Tshimisham.  He snoozed and I marked.  We had lunch with the VP next door as he was having a puja - an annual cleansing by the monks, or as the VP explained "removing all of the obstacles for the coming year".
Before Dave arrived I was writing a letter home and said that I could not really imagine being anywhere else these days except right here.  Dave pointed out that I have a pretty cool relationship with the villagers.  We soaked up wonderful views and also cruised the shops.  I finally broke down and bought a pressure cooker.  It will make life much easier and hopefully whistle at me so I do not leave the pot on the stove and burn my meal.  This afternoon I hung out at Sonam's shop for a rain and hail storm.  Her husband was there and I chatted with him and their son who is in PP - pre-primary -like Kindergarten.  Read all of his homework with him. 
Tonight is probably the biggest thunderstorm I have seen yet.  There were metal garbage cans rolling down the hill in the wind and pieces of metal roofing flapping by.  Power went out twice.  Lightening hit beside the girl's hostel.  The most amazing thing is how quickly the power is restored.

Us inside the rooms that I rarely use.  I have a desk now that is by the big window.  

Saturday morning I took photos of the young boys in my townhouse on their way to primary school.  Are the ghos not so gorgeous? 

A shot of the 2 unused rooms in my place 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great day, especially showing Dave around to your villager friends!
