Monday, September 30, 2013


A few days ago I thought I might need some more buckwheat flour as my last buckwheat banana cake was a big hit.  So I emailed my friend Andrea Chisholm in Chumey, Bumthang.  Her mother-in-law was visiting and I thought perhaps she could bring some back and I could get it later in Thimphu. No go.

Bob (Andrea's husband) went next door that same day and they were milling fresh buckwheat.  Andrea added the rest of hers, then emailed me to say Bob's mom would not be going through Thimphu.  I replied "It's Bhutan, something will work out".  Not an hour later they were out and a friend of Bob's who is a driver said he was coming through Chukha. 

Today he left Bumthang in the morning, drove to Pheuntsholing and dropped the flour at my house on his way back to Thimphu.  Rob and I took 2 days to get from Bumthang to Paro !!! 

Three days in a row of food delivered to my door. 

1 comment:

  1. That is a great story, I can't believe he drove that far in a day! Amazing! /we should have put more goodies in for you! I hope you are starting to feel better now. And its interesting how you said the past few days have been cold as its the same here, I should have worn thermals yesterday - so October must be when the weather changes. By the way, I'd love the recipe for your buckwheat banana cake in the rice cooker!
