I went for my first morning walk in over 4 weeks today. I took more photos of chiles. They fascinate me for no reason other than I saw photos of them in Canada and they did not seem real. But they are. The Bhutanese eat unbelievable amounts. I really thought I would come to be able to eat the chiles as vegetables, but can only manage them as a spice. A bloody hot spice too. I make kewa datse which is potatoes and chiles with melted cheese. I love it. I put 2 to 4 chiles in a large pot. The Bhutanese would put 6 to 12 in the same pot. Chiles are called emma. Emma datse is chile cheese. The main ingredient being cooked chiles.
When in China I took photos of corn, cabbages and seaweed all drying in many places and some quite unexpected, such as all the steps in the housing area where I lived!!
When in China I took photos of corn, cabbages and seaweed all drying in many places and some quite unexpected, such as all the steps in the housing area where I lived!!