Saturday, April 27, 2013

Classroom Uplift

  Saturday we have 2 classes in the morning, then a program or SUPW Socially Useful and Productive Work.  Nothing big on the program today and my class 9B wanted to paint the classroom.  So we did.  It was controlled chaos, although I have no idea who was controlling it.  We used "distemper" paint which does wash out with water.  Luckily.  Because it was everywhere.  It took as long to wash the desks that were used to stand on and the floor as it did to paint 2 coats. I cannot imagine how the students will clean their national dress and their bodies!! 
Classroom BEFORE 

The gang helping and hindering :) 

As I was stumbling through the fog back to my quarters, other groups were building pathways, woking in their gardens, practicing dance for teacher's day, and helping resolve the very aromatic problem in the day toilets. All this appears so normal to me now and I cannot imagine my Canadian students in this situation. 

     I have written 4 blog entries over the past week, but ave not had an opportunity to post. I hope readers can imagine a day between each posting :)


  1. Heather!

    Things seem...busy! Hope all's well. Following your experience. Keep up the blogging!


  2. Heather the classroom looks great! Nice colour. I am so glad you found "Home" it is such an amazing transition isn't it. You have relit the fire I think I might have to think about overseas again. It changes your perspective on what's important in life and education. I can't wait for you to get back and tell me all about it so I remember. I am so excited for you. Keep the pictures coming. I love the pressure cooker duck and cover that is so amazing. We are having an LFT soon. I will miss you. When you get back. You can teach us all how to cook some traditional bhutanese food. Enjoy my friend!!!

  3. Where are you? My kidlets are waiting in anticipation for their Bhutanese "friends" to contact them again. I hope you got our letters. I know they may have been difficult to download, as the pics probably were, too. We are doing our Shakespeare unit, so we will send pics. of the Feast!

    Love, Patti and Grade 10's
